Green’s Blog

She should have gotten naked, but…

Hey everybody,

I know, I know… I am long overdue for an update and a blog about what’s been going on. It’s coming, I swear. I’m just under some pretty heavy deadlines right now and working my ass off.

By now, hopefully most of you have heard that the short films that Joe Lynch and I made for London FrightFest are becoming available on line. Episode 1 is now up and the rest will follow EVERY Monday through early October. You can watch them at – but more on that in my NEXT blog.

For now, real quickly- I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be doing an in-store signing for a new book called THE BOOK OF LISTS: HORROR which features a collection of “Top 10 Lists” from folks like me, Stephen King, James Gunn, Ray Bradbury, Joe Lynch, Eli Roth, and more.

Just a heads up, my list is “The Top 10 Horror Movie Actresses That Should Have Gotten Naked, But Didn’t…” Want to know who’s on it? Well, order the book now on and find out! It’s great bathroom reading, really.


You can meet me THIS coming Saturday, September 20th at Dark Delicacies Bookstore in Burbank, California at 2:00pm. I will be there signing with a whole group of authors from the book, including James Gunn, Victor Salva, and many more.

Of course, feel free to bring any of your HATCHET, SPIRAL, or other “Adam Green” stuff, too.

4213 W. Burbank
Burbank, CA 91505

Major blog coming wicked soon.
