
“I, SURVIVOR” Now On Kindle!

The digital edition of Adam Green and Joe Knetter’s novel “I, SURVIVOR” is now available in electronic format for Kindle!  Featured in the 4th HATCHET film VICTOR CROWLEY, “I, SURVIVOR” is the autobiography of “Andrew Yong” (Parry Shen) spilling all of the gory details of his horrific 2007 encounter with “Victor Crowley” that left over 40 people massacred in Honey Island Swamp.

picmonkey_imagePurchase “I, SURVIVOR” on Kindle here

The 300+ page novel by Green and Knetter tells the entire life story of “Andrew Yong”, reveals graphic never before told moments from the 2007 massacre, and fills in the events that took place over the decade that passed between HATCHET’s 3 and 4.

“I, SURVIVOR” is not only the ultimate companion piece to the HATCHET films, the book even offers the first glimpse of what may loom ahead in the HATCHET franchise!  If you’re a HATCHET fan this book is a must-read!  Purchase an electronic copy for your Kindle through Amazon here or pick up a physical copy of the book autographed by writer Adam Green in our on-line store here.