
Sid Haig 7/14/39 – 9/21/19

ArieScope mourns the loss of our dear friend and cinematic legend Sid Haig. Born in Fresno, California on July 14, 1939, Sid would go on to become an accomplished musician and celebrated actor of the stage and screen. He appeared in over 350 television shows, he starred in over 100 films, and he worked with some of the greatest filmmakers of all time including Jack Hill, Alfred Hitchcock, Lucille Ball, George Lucas, and Quentin Tarantino. Sid’s career defining performance as “Captain Spaulding” in Rob Zombie’s HOUSE OF 1,000 CORPSES (2003) and THE DEVIL’S REJECTS (2005) made him a bonafide icon of the horror genre.

House-of-1000-Corpses-Sid-Haig-Captain-Spaulding“Tutti fuckin’ frutti!”

In his work with ArieScope, Sid stole HATCHET 3 (2013) with his hilarious performance as “Abbott MacMullen,” he had everyone exhausted from laughing with his self-deprecating appearance in HOLLISTON (2013), and he elevated our Halloween short films DON’T DO IT (2016) and THE INTERVENTION (2018) with his voice work as “Robert the Pumpkin.” However, it was Sid’s candor in his episode of Adam Green’s SCARY SLEEPOVER (2015), his honesty during his multiple appearances on THE MOVIE CRYPT podcast (2013, 2017, and 2019), and his emotional episode of HORRIFIED (2017) that made the world fall in love with Sid Haig the man.

UNADJUSTEDNONRAW_thumb_7f83HOLLISTON Season 2, Episode 10 “Farm Festival” 

Sid Haig was a huge part of the ArieScope family and we will all miss him every day. “Sid was a dear friend with his limitless emotional generosity, a loving mentor with his uncanny guidance and patience, and a much needed champion who constantly lifted me up with his unwavering faith in me,” says Adam Green. “My world won’t be the same without him in it.” 

71643121_10159293098716151_493682619246968832_oImage created by Misty Wood.