The ArieScope store will be closed while our team is on the other side of the planet in production on our next film. The store will re-open in May 2025 when we return to the US and begin post-production on the movie.

While we’re away filming you can continue to enjoy the countless hours of FREE content offered on this site including all 26 years of our annual Halloween short films, 3 seasons of Adam Green’s SCARY SLEEPOVER, 2 seasons of HORRIFIED, 20 SECONDS TO LIVE, and more!
Though we typically try and keep details under wraps whenever we are in production, you can follow Adam Green on Instagram (@Adam_Fn_Green) for any updates he may post from the set of our new film. THE MOVIE CRYPT podcast (available on all podcast platforms) will continue to release new episodes every Monday as usual so you may also hear some updates from Adam there throughout the winter.

Something new is coming!