

This week THE MOVIE CRYPT podcast celebrates its 300th episode! Since first premiering on Monday May 6, 2013 hosts Adam Green, Joe Lynch, and Arwen have released a new episode of the program every week, never missing a single Monday even during major holidays or while one or both directors are in production on their latest films.

MCmicrophonesIn this special 300th episode the three hosts turn their microphones over to their “Crypt Keepers” – loyal fans and supporters of THE MOVIE CRYPT who sent in messages congratulating Green, Lynch, and Arwen (also known as “M.C. Licks-A-Lot” during the monthly MOVIE CRYPT LIVE Pre-Shows) on this milestone achievement with words about what the podcast means to them. This incredibly funny and heartwarming episode is now playing on all podcast platforms.

MCep300graphicIf you’re still not supporting THE MOVIE CRYPT on Patreon, here’s what you’re missing: the ability to take part in the weekly program’s “Viewer Mail” and “Hollywood Therapy” segments… bonus monthly commentary episodes… weekly bonus episodes of “Classic Crypt”… Adam & Joe’s monthly “Crypt Picks” videos… early access to each week’s new episode… VIDEO versions of each week’s new episode… the extremely fun monthly episodes of “Movie Crypt Live” including the monthly 2-hour pre-show from DJ Green and M.C. Licks-A-Lot… the holy “Cult Of Arwen” episodes too honest for air… and entry into the podcast’s amazing community of “Crypt Keepers” where an entire film family of friends is waiting for you! Sign up today, help keep THE MOVIE CRYPT going, and unlock a world of inspirational and educational entertainment that you’ve been missing out on! Just click here.